So... I was browsin on the internets today an found this1 via our 'friends' at BoingBoing:

These are pj's for your ultra-righteous child guaranteed to make them less afraid of the boogie man at night because, ya know, they have a shield and a cross right there. And just read the description of what you get for $39.95 or $49.952:
- Pajama top with breastplate of righteousness and belt of truth hem.
- Pajama pants with wings of peace to cover feet.
- Helmet of salvation3.
- Shield of faith pillow.
- Sword of the spirit (New Testament)4.
- Activity coloring book.
This is the pj set to get for your kid. And you should make them wear it to any pajama parties they go to... well, only if you live in the U.S. Midwest or want to scar your kid for life.
1. An why are these kids holding hands while wearing their night clothes?! No way they are married! What kind of perv is selling these, Spot?!
2. It's kinda hard to tell from the website - they have one price on the product info page an another on the product details page. Those pesky details'll get ya every time, Spot! Either that or the 'truth' stuff just over your kid's crotch is just a bit of marketing...
Just jokin', Spot. It looks like the price they charge you is $39.95. Plus shipping.
3. Well, for the boys, anyway. The girls just get a thing that looks like a wedding veil. I guess that's to symbolize how they'll just have to take a deep breath and marry the boogie man if he ever shows up.
4. What a scam! Why not a real sword? Those boogie men are some tough critters. Plus, they want to marry your sister!!
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