I slammed my fist down so hard that it broke the top of my desk. The two of 'em rocked back hard in their chairs with their mouths hangin' open. I had their attention now.
I says, "Reid, you forgot somethin'. I'm a guy that don't take crap from nobody, see? You also forgot that I'm still the big cheese around here even if some o' you guys don't like it that way. If I wanna escalate the American military presence in Iraq, I'm gonna escalate the American military presence in Iraq. Got me? Screw the mid-term election results. Screw the Iraq Study Group, screw Maliki and screw my own generals, for that matter! I've dealt with punks tougher than they'll ever be."
I knew they were scared now. I knew they'd try to bluff their way outta this. So Pelosi decides to pipe up. "Go ahead. Try it, Dubya. Maybe you're not so tough now that ya don't have a majority in Congress. Go ahead, tough guy. Just try it!"
She started to laugh at me so I pulled a sword outta my desk drawer and cut her head clean off. Reid screams, "Oh my God!" and stares at me, eyes wide, shakin' like a leaf. I raised the sword until he was looking right at the tip that just might be his ticket to Arlington.
"You wanna dare me too, Harry?"
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