"I ain't exactly dumb, you know, Dick. I can get my own answers."
"Sure ya can, George...I guess that's why ya buzzed me in here so quick. You can maybe figure things out, but you're useless when it comes to doin' the dirty work. That's where I come in, see. You'll be right behind me all the way, but when the pinch comes, you'll try to shove me aside so you can get to call in the B52's yourself. That is, if you can shove me aside, and I don't think ya can."
"Okay, Dick, have it your own way. I want you in all right. But I want Ahmadinejad, too. Don't forget that. And I'm gonna beat you to him 'cause I have Olmert at my disposal and he's got the entire IAF to get the job done. I ain't short on brains, either pally," he reminded me.
"Don't worry, little buddy, I don't underestimate you. But you can't break an Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander's legs to make him spill his guts, and you can't shove his teeth in with the tip of a cruise missile to remind him that you're not foolin' around. I like doin' my own 'leg work,' and there's a whole lotta guys who'll tell me exactly what I wanna know because they know what I'll do to them if they don't. I'm very single-minded, and very disciplined."
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