There are some things that move a man to tears. You seldom see him cry, because he does it quietly, and often to himself. Yet I know of Fox News Channel panelists and White House spokesmen who have been so shocked and chagrined by Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer's brutal attack on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Senate hearing on Thursday that they openly cried.
What exactly did Boxer do to Condi? Brace yourself, the Golden State's junior lawmaker asked her this: "Who pays the price? I'm not going to pay a personal price. My kids are too old, and my grandchild is too young. You're not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with an immediate family."
I know, I know! Nothing quite so unnerves a man as tasteless jibes about a woman being childless, so I'm sorry, sir (or ma'am!) -- but I had to print that. I have a responsibility. Now I'll give you some time to pull yourself back together.
Feeling better now? Good. Where were we? Oh yeah...
Yes, I have a resposibility. People rely on me -- not for insurance policies but for insurance protection. Whoops, wrong copy! Nix that!
Yes, I have a resposibility. People rely on me and the media to feign outrage and twist the words of Democrats who dare to ask the Secretary of State for estimates of the cost in blood to our troops if the president's plan to escalate is actually implemented.
There. I've done my duty. Perhaps I'll even get a nice mention from Condi, like the one she blabbed into that open mic between morning show interviews, "My Fox guys, I love every single one of them!" Who doesn't?!
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