"Thank you, Tea Tree!"
KEN'S KITCHEN - Research suggests that lavender and tea tree oils found in shampoos, soaps and lotions can cause some boys to grow enlarged breasts.
The study also reveals that a number of boys are unhappy with their new breasts. Media images make them believe that the ideal is large breasts with a small nipple and areola, while boybreasts usually have a perky look. As the boys age, the breasts can begin to sag. Many teenage boys become unhappy about this development, too.
Fortunately, parents can have a huge impact on the self-esteem of a teenage boy with enlarged breasts. Here are some helpful tips:
1. Encourage Your Son's Achievements. Focus on what your teenage son is good at while acknowledging the presence of handsome guys in the media by saying, "Obviously rugged good looks are one of his gifts. You've got some 'gifts' yourself!"
2. Help Your Son Get in Touch with Reality. Teens are constantly bombarded with idealized models of what a guy should look like. But the fact is that less than 1% of the guys out there will ever grow boobs. Share this fact with your C cup-sized son while pointing out that our imperfections actually make us who we are!
3. Encourage Dad to Pay Attention in a Positive Way. Help Dad understand how detrimental well intentioned teasing about "man-boobs" can be.
4. Switch Shampoos. Experts point out that the problem appears to clear up over time when the oils are no longer used.
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