Dear Ken,
Since November, I've been so depressed and lonely. My problem is now I'm really depressed. I always go to bed early, but now I wake up still tired, even after a full night's sleep! I hate socializing and I don't have any friends except Karl. I spend all my time alone in the Oval Office thinking about clearing brush and weight-lifters, then I cry myself to sleep at night. I sense that the entire country suspects I feel this way.
My self-esteem is in the dumper because, let's face it, I'm in waaaay over my cabeza. I hated giving that last State of the Union speech. They stared at me same way they stared at Nixon! I hate them, I really do! I'm becoming angrier and more vicious every day. I say hurtful things to people and when I get really mad, I kick Willie, our cat, until I'm all tuckered out.
I dunno, maybe I push everything so far because of mom. You know, so I can finally figure out if she loves me or not. The rest of my family seems fine, though. What gives? Maybe I'm just nuts. Maybe I'm just imagine things are worse than they are. Is it all in my mind?
- Lonely At The Top
Dear Lonely At The Top,
I'm afraid not!
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