7th Annual Purity Ball
"I can't say how impressed I am with your dancing, little lady. I'm rather awed by your marvelous athletic ability. And you look all aglow in your beautiful gown."
"Thanks, daddy." Blushing, she bent her head down.
"Anyway, the reason why I'm here with you tonight at this...ah, event...is because I, um, want to ask you to promise me you'll be precious in the sight of God."
She looked up, surprised. "Huh?"
Her dad looked suddenly alarmed. " I want us to make a pledge of purity to one another and to God," he blurted out.
"I guess...but why now, all of a sudden, daddy?"
Gabriel swallowed and brushed a strand of his daughter's blonde hair from the collar of his suit. He spoke haltingly, trying to pick just the right words. "You're a...a big girl...now, Brianna...you're ten years old, honey...er...sexually transmitted diseases are at epidemic levels today among teens...I...I...
Brianna's face fell. "Oh."
There was silence between them for awhile as they continued dancing, then Gabriel spoke up. "Well, princess? Will you be my partner? Will you take the vow with your old dad and benefit from this marvelous, Christ-centric event?"
She thought about saying no, but then she looked into his deep green eyes, and she got lost...
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