Dear Ken,
I am absolutely sick with sadness and grief. Fredo leaves me with no alternative but to end our relationship after his performance in the Senate yesterday.
I mean, what was with the ridiculous excuses, anyway? He had to help out so-and-so, he had to look into this or that, he couldn't recall, or whatever. We gave him a whole month to prepare better lies!
I feel like I've been slapped in the face. He thinks I'm overreacting and he can't believe I'm so upset. He was wonderful for so long, and now this! Why in heaven's name would Fredo act this way? Is he trying to make me look stupid?
I am absolutely dumbfounded, Ken! I haven't had a refreshing sleep since this whole thing began. What makes a guy like Fredo tick?
Best regards,
Lonely At The Top
Dear Lonely At The Top,
Put yourself in his loafers for a minute. He's been "boning up" for weeks. He arrives at to work at 10:30 a.m. He calls up a pal for lunch, another for golf after lunch, and then relaxes over drinks at the 19th hole before calling it a day. No wonder he seemed so out-of-it yesterday!
Face it LATT, you're in a three legged race with a guy that nobody can trust. If you want an attorney general who can lie like a rug and get away with it, then cut your ties to this bozo.
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