Sure, I can still look at myself and smile after "separating" those "associates." I don't give a shit how it made me look. I can see myself the same way those "associates" do. I'm the CEO and I'm a bad guy. Boo-hoo. They think I'm a greedy bastard who shouldn't be allowed in the same room as normal, decent, hard-working human beings. Well, the stockholders think differently now, don't they?
What's this...I not feelin' so good all of a sudden. I'm a little sweaty. Whew. Maybe I'll pull over for a minute. Jeez... maybe I am a rat. Maybe I like the taste of firin'. Maybe I like it a little too much. Maybe me makin' $4,513,700 a year is way outta line. At least considerin' that I canned those associates for makin' $16,120 a year. Wait! I'm hirin' 'em back, though! Just at a lower salary... Ahh, what am I thinkin'? This thing has screwed my head up and rotted my guts. Maybe they should flush me down the toilet because of what I am. Maybe they should...nnaaaaaahhh.
I parked the car and took a little stretch. I didn't wanna think about associates any more. I started walkin' and pulled out a Cohiba Siglo VI and smoked it while I watched the boats in the river. The nausea finally passed. Now I was hungry. And just in time, the reservation was for 8:30 at the Acacia.
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