Anna Nicole's Baby Daddy
"US Solicitor General Paul D. Clement, should a taxpayer have the right to challenge a law that commemorated the Pilgrims by building a government church at Plymouth Rock where we will have the regular worship in the Puritan religion?" says Supreme Court Justice Stehen G. Breyer.
"I would say no," says U.S. Solicitor General Paul D. Clement.
"What about a law that required the government to build churches all over America that represented a single denomination? Nobody could challenge it?" says Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer.
To that, U.S. Solicitor General Paul D. Clement again says, "No. There would not be taxpayer standing."
So Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer says, "Do you think Anna Nicole lied to Howard K. Stern about who fathered her child?"
"Yes. Can you imagine how ironic it would be if Stern was somehow involved---"
"No, Mr. Clement. I was just checking to see if you knew how to say 'yes.'"
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