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  Blog Noir. An interplay of cultural references, snark, the occasional smutty joke, Dadaism, Mamaism, and a genuine outrage at the horrors of The Situation.

--to paraphrase Freddy el Desfibradddoro
Monday, May 14, 2007

Image courtesy Ken from Ken's Kitchen

What is This "Monday" of Which You Speak?

Or: Something Small Falls Out of Your Mouth and We Laugh.

Wow. It was a banner week for the I Miss Fafblog Comment of the Week, Spot! competition. So, with a minimum of fanfare, The Awards Committee will just get right down to naming names. Starting, in no particular order, with your runners up:

The one-and-off commentator, Dustin Hoffman as Lenny Bruce, may have been nothing more than the Awards Committee itself masquerading as 'Dustin Hoffman as Lenny Bruce'. If that was the case, then the Awards Committee tickled itself pink with this advice for Gonzo's Prosecutorgate testimony:
Say this chick came into the apartment with a sign around her neck that said, "I have malaria. Lie on top of me and keep me physically active or I'll die."

And chances are, man... they'll believe it. Do you know why?

Because they wanna believe it.

[Read the rest!]

MR. Bill conjured the imagery that would become the composition of this week's Pope Post, (though I'm not sure he'd want to take credit for that per se):
And entirely off topic, Der Speigel has a headline "Pope attacks Mexico City Politicians".

I didn't read the article, but I'm hoping it's with the new Guided Missile shooting Popemobile and the Laser Papal crosier.

Our resident scholar, mistah charley, ph.d. told of Biblical man eating lions, for which he would receive a well-earned nomination for The Award from The Deli Llama:
The direction this discussion has taken reminds me of the thought-provoking 7th verse of the Gospel of Thomas:

Jesus said, 'Fortunate is the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And foul [cursed] is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion will become human.'

[Read the rest!]

Reigning champion, Mark R told the lonesome (mournful?) tale of the Sumatran rhino, which seems especially poignant these Fafless days:
The Sumatran rhino is solitary for most of its life. The home range of a rhino overlaps with the home ranges of several other rhinos and animals occasionally meet, but they do not stay together for any length of time.

[Read the rest!]

And darn you, MarkC, with your infernal comments which seem to emanate from beyond infinity, and their overflowing raw potential! This one, if nothing else, must surely ensure MarkC of a first ballot election to the Hall of Fame, or a lifetime achievement award or something:
Relax, Ken. Some of the same basic physical laws that cause socks to go missing during the laundry process apply to the extraction and transport of expensive fluids from the ground.

[Read the rest!]

And lastly, your winner of the most stridently fought IMFBCOTW,S! thus far ... Your new I Miss Fafblog Commentator of the Week, Spot! ... bodiciah t rentlord III! ... (Unabridged.):
I'm sorry The Deli Llama, I think you're on the wrong thread. The June Taylor dancers can be found by scrolling on up, you'll see them posing next to Joseph Ratzinger who is modeling his traditional Bavarian lederhosen and Coca-Cola cup.

What we have here are a couple species of Blatant Narcissist, strange but all too common birds frequently found in proximity to cameras. On the left, we see the Self-defeating Rich-twit, (Struttinus Incompetenus) which attempts to camouflage its pathological craving for approval with displays of irrational bravado. Unfortunately for the Rich-twit, these displays usually do not achieve anything and, paradoxically, prevent the Rich-twit from getting the approval it needs. To the right we see an excellent specimen of a Histrionic Crowdcatcher (Grandstandinus Maniaci). This attention sucking bird is widely known as the Lookit-Me bird, because of its repetitive call of, "Hey_You! Lookit_Me Lookit_Me Lookit_Meee." A voracious feeder, this bird is truly a bottomless pit of neediness and will shamelessly charm, beg, threaten, clown around, dance, or sing as needed to keep everyones attention focused on itself. Seen here in a fairly typical pose caricaturing one of the June Taylor Dancers.

Good on ya, bodiciah t rentlord III!

Thanks to Zaius Nation for including us on the link rolls, and thanks yet again for Jon Swift's "liberal" linking policy.

Some Rights Reserved. Guess which ones!

Missing Fafblog picture of the week

Halcylon days.


"What did your mother and I tell you about watching the commercials?"

"That if they need commercials to sell it, it isn't worth buying."

"That's right kids, they're either selling you a price that's too high, or a need that isn't necessary, or a superiority that is superfluous."

---Montag Alawicious Beeblebrox I



Links to Actual Fafblogs

Sorta Fafblogian Link Types
Anonymous Lawyer
Armageddon Cocktail Hour
Baby Toupees
Bateman, Scott
Billionaires For Bush
Blue Gal
Chalk, Mr.
Chase Me Ladies, I'm in the Calvary!
Chicken Suits
CompareNContrast Wars
Cool Hunter
Crooks and Liars
Culture Ghost, The
Dateline Hollywood
Defeatists, The
Doodle Bean
Guys From Area 51
Happy Sock Fun Time (thepuppethead)
Harris, Bob (includes occasional pudus!)
Improv Everywhere
Jesus' General!
Lark News
Laughing Squid
Le Pétomane
Liberal Fascism
Little Green Fascists
Maximumize Positive Chaos
Mental Floss Magazine
Mouse and Rat Breeds
Noah Kalina Every Day
Onion, The
Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying
Perrin, Dennis
Roger Ailes' Fox-TV Blog
Sadly, No!
Shakespeare, Neil
Obsidian Wings
Stump Lane (Montag)
Swift, Jon
Swift Report, The
Tristam Shandy
Who Is IOZ
Zaius Nation
Ze Frank

Argue With Everyone
Casa de Los Gatos
Fret Free Fridays
Grow a Brain
Hellbound in Denver
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Blogosphere
Matilda's Advice and Rants
Miss Cellania
The Republic of Dogs
Doug Richardson
Trick of the Light
Vidiot Speak

Special "Look Around You" Video Section
Part One: Maths
Part Two: Water
Part Three: Germs
Part Four: Ghosts
Part Five: Sulphur
Part Six: Music
Part Seven: Iron
Part Eight: Brain

Special Other Video Section
Aranjuez Quartet - Classical Guitarists
How to Talk Like a Pirate
Matrix Ping Pong
OK Go!
Soldier Head Twist
The Supersonic Future


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Sumatran Rhino
Missing Fafblog! can be like the solitary life of the Sumatran rhinoceros. I Miss Fafblog, Spot!? A saltlick around which to congregate.
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This is a homage blog to the apparently moribund Fafblog. Any copyright violations are pretty much unintentional and are the fault of that dastardly Doodle Bean!

Have something to say about Fafblog or this blog? Email Montag at montag-at-stumplane-dot-us.