Engineers at the Central Intelligence Space Agency have informed the National Archives that the Vice President's office is no longer an 'entity within the executive branch,' but that it is now an independant multibillion-dollar satellite program orbiting planet Earth. The move comes after House investigators learned that the Information Security Oversight Office requested access to conduct a security inspection of the VP's office.
Little to nothing is known about Cheney's orbiting office, which oversees some of America's most sensitive government programs and receives almost no public oversight. Because of its sensitive missions, the VP's office goes to great pains to keep any details of its workings from becoming public. Cheney has practically dared any further inquiry into it.
An astronaide to the vice president admitted that the Office of the Vice President will no longer even be referred to as the Office of the Vice President. In fact, it can no longer be referred to at all: Cheney's satellite office has been assigned a top secret designation with a letter followed by numbers.
The entity formerly known as the Office of the Vice President was launched after the United States became more concerned about difficult-to-monitor terror cells and out-of-control Oversight Committees. Cheney believes that a super-stealth space station is crucial to deceiving his adversaries. "The entire entity formerly known as the Office of the Vice president that is now in orbit was conceived post 9/11. Changes in the threat have led to a re-evaluation of the entity formerly known as the vice president's mission," the astronaide said.
Congressional Democrats would not identify the now top secret vice-presidential former portion of the executive branch, but say they hope to find a way to bring it back to Earth through legislation.
More fresh commentary from MR. Bill just below...
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