Hey, it's the one month anniversary of the new, environmentally sensitive Fox News Network. Suddenly came the epiphany:
Climate change poses clear, catastrophic threats. We may not agree on the extent, but we certainly can't afford the risk of inaction.
But wait, Rupert Murdoch thought, what can just one person do? hmmm... I know!
News Corporation, today, reaches people at home and at work... when they're thinking... when they're laughing... and when they are making choices that have enormous impact. We could incorporate our point of view on global warming into every program on every channel we have.
"The challenge is to revolutionize the message.
For too long, the threats of climate change have been presented as doom and gloom-- because the consequences are so serious.
We need to do what our company does best: make this issue exciting. Tell the story in a new way.
It's about damn time, Rupert. Right? welll maybe, maybe not -
One Australian blogger, THE ORSTRAHYUN, says
"Drinking Beer Causes Climate Change?
Murdoch Media Wastes No Time In Blaming Working Class For Global Warming" (scroll halfway down the page).
Which sounds like the same old 'blame poverty on the poor' routine, but I'm sure we will be getting a fairer more balanced viewpoint in this country any
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