"We think you might be happier working for another Study Group."
Uh oh! You just got fired! Sacked! Out of a job! If it could happen to Rudy Giuliani, it could certainly happen to you!
That's right! Anyone can get the axe...at any time! It can happen to the best people and the worst. It can happen to hard workers, and to slackers. Especially slackers...just ask Rudy! But he managed to bounce back! How?
How To Survive And Prosper Like Rudy Giuliani
1. Keep in mind that, like the Iraq Study Group, your new job won't last forever. Don't develop a romance with it, even if it is a Congressionally appointed blue-ribbon panel dedicated to finding a way forward in Iraq! It'll be bad enough getting canned without suffering the the agony of unrequited love too! Hey, you have to look out for yourself first!
2. Keep up to date regarding the panel's findings and to make sure you're still on it. If you're like Rudy, you've been having trouble showing up for any meetings at all, so always keep an eye out for new opportunities. That way you can quit just before Baker drops the axe, and you'll already be sitting pretty in another job!
3. Stay prepared financially. Try to have lots of cash in reserve. You might want to consider a lucrative speaking tour like Rudy's. Sure, all those speeches may have conflicted with the Iraq Study Group, but they brought in a whopping $11.4 million for America's Mayor in 14 months!
4. After you get canned, take exactly five minutes to grieve. So what if the Study Group had a "truly important mission," and now you can't use it to beef-up your commander-in-chief credentials. You'd just have to distance himself from some of the group's findings anyway! Quit moping around feeling sorry for yourself!
5. Be patient. It's going to take time to find another job. In the meantime, launch a presidential campaign!
6. Nurture contacts. Especially with people who served on the National Finance Committee for President George W Bush and with conservatives and evangelicals. Keep visible with speeches, debates, fund-raisers, and lots of good publicity.
7. Hire advisors to market you. Put out the word that you're available; show America what you're made of!
8. Finally. Don't panic. Lots of people wind up with better jobs than the Iraq Study Group!
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