by Cappy Rudyard
Here at IMF,S we rarely make endorsements of a political kind. Sure, we will shill for just about any corporate fatcat who wants to fling a roll of flat green pieces of eight in a rubber band our way. And product placement? That’s a Red Lobster™ lobster claw up there to the left, we’ll have you know. We’re regular product placement skanks.
But politics is something we think carefully about. Slowly, deliberately, and carefully. So after great roiling cathartic tidal debates between the surrogates we hire to do our thinking for us while we labor to produce this blog, often in vain, I might add, we have come to a place where we are ready to finally endorse a candidate in the 1908 presidential election. And it should come as no surprise that the man who shivers our electoral timbers is:
Eugene V. Debs.
Named after Eugene Sey and Victor Hugo, Eugene Debs is a tireless advocate for women’s and children’s rights, a peace activist, and strong voice for worker’s rights. A true progressive, he has the stuff to stand up to the type of dirty tricks that are sure to be part of the general election. In the March 23, 1907 Appeal to Reason he quoted Ferdinand Lassalle, who:
“Once said that the war against capitalism was not a rose water affair. It is rather of the storm and tempest order. All kinds of attacks must be expected, and all kinds of wounds will be inflicted. You will be assailed within and without, spat upon by the very ones that you are doing your best to serve, and at certain crucial moments find yourself isolated, absolutely alone as if to compel surrender, but in those moments, if you have the nerve, you become supreme.”
It isn't that Debs needs your vote as much as we need Debs.
Labels: Debs, election '08, zombies
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